2 Billion Seconds Is All We Have
Life’s biggest lie is that there is more time. More time to do things we should be doing, but would rather not for one reason or the other. Most people get caught up in the perennial routine of life, focusing on the rut that is their lives, - their routine - and procrastinating when it comes to the things that really matter to them.
Like biological automata, we tend to follow what we deem to be a predetermined path and avoid straying off this path, even for our own happiness. We trick ourselves into believing that the safest modus operandi is doing what we are told to, or what society has made us believe we should be doing at any point in time. But this idea of doing things how everyone else does them is the reason many people run out of time to do the things they really want to do or to say; their purpose in life, if you will.
Time is an interesting entity. Simply calling it a social construct would do this enigmatic concept - yes, I’ll call it a concept - immense injustice. It is one of the few things that will outlast each of us and will continue to remain unperturbed by our presence or absence in this world. It is something we depend on so much, but have absolutely no control over. Nonetheless, it is currently the best metric we have in estimating where in this continuum of space-time we exist, how much of our lives have elapsed, and how much more we have to look forward to (I trust you’re still following).
Two billion seconds and some change is all we have. From the day we are born to about the time we pass (by estimated lifespans), these two billion seconds stand in-between. As shocking as this may be, it's not incorrect. Lets get to the math!
Looking past the expected aghast reactions, the math checks out, and this figure is generally the maximum number of seconds most people will be alive for from birth to (hopefully) natural death. Aside the fact that most of us reading this are well past this point (we're old, I know), certain natural factors like sleep (which accounts for 1/3 of our lives), eating, socializing, etcetera take a chunk of this away. Just to put things in perspective, the average 25 year old has (very roughly) less than 1 billion seconds left... and ticking.
“Make it count while the seconds are on your side”
The purpose of this article is not to scare or create a feeling of distress, but rather foster a sense of renewed energy in pursuing purpose and passion. For some this may be achieving their career objectives, for others it may be achieving a higher spiritual purpose, or even just being there for their loved ones, to love and be loved.
Whatever your true passion is (if you're fortunate enough to have discovered it), pursue it aggressively and unapologetically, maybe even foolishly. Don't let your mundane daily routine define you, and most certainly don't sweat the small shit. Follow your heart. Enjoy your own company. Be kind to everyone and especially to yourself. Laugh. Cry. Love. Be human. Because when all is said and done, and the final curtain starts to fall, I hope everyone can look back and at least say it was fun.
Elikem is a director at Very Temporary to get in touch, send him an email.